ontrackplant Website editor
Posted: 28 July 2013, 10:49
There were over 170(!) vehicles on display at the recent National Plant Exhibition. We managed to record details for most of them, but have several queries. If anyone can help with the following, please get in touch, thanks!
APWebb/Rail-Ability MAN MEWP "RL004" - this had a different fleet number to the one noted at RailTex, but had the same RIV/road-reg - was it the same machine or a different one?
Build numbers we didn't record:
- two Donelli PTH900VV gantries;
- the Geismar lorry 917030;
- Rosenqvist Pandrol CD400 clipper;
- the new AB2000 Rexquote Genie 912054. We got "2335" which we think is the Rexquote number, but not the build number.
- the GOS conversion number of 977020;
- the LH/Iveco Daily 976086;
- the Rexquote conversion number of the Road Rail Crane;
- Story Liebherr 940763;
There were also some McCulloch Rail Lifters (not rail dollies) on a lorry near the green shed - we couldn't get near them to identify them.
I think that's it - thanks!
Scott Spencer
Posted: 28 July 2013, 13:00
Can anyone identify this?
ontrackplant Website editor
Posted: 28 July 2013, 15:25
That is APWebb's 949013 - number was in the cab
Scott Spencer
Posted: 28 July 2013, 16:14
Thanks. Had noted it but couldnt remember which one.
Posted: 14 August 2013, 10:48
I can't say on RL004 being the same as RL003 or not but there have been quite a few MANs going to both the new and old RA sites over the last six months or so. There may be two or more out in the wild.
Scott Spencer
Posted: 15 August 2013, 21:13
Have you got a link to the car/black with road rail wheels on?
Jon Horswell
Posted: 15 August 2013, 21:21
Off topic I know but did anyone find out the number of the yellow DMU that was noted on site by Ben a while ago. I think he was enquiring to its identity.
ontrackplant Website editor
Posted: 15 August 2013, 21:32
Scott - although we've added a photo, we've decided not to include details for that on site.
Jon - Ben got details of the other two vehicles, which, by deduction, gives the ID of the yellow one. He'll update us in due course.