Rail Live 2017 - sightings - Exhibitions & Events - Forum

Rail Live 2017 - sightings

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

As per previous years, I've compiled a page with sightings of all vehicles on display. You can then use this page to quickly add your own sightings...

Rail Live 2017

Things that aren't on it:

Geismar EGO-US - was this the same on on display at previous shows, albeit without cab/hood?

Geismar flat PPT thing.

TRAC Mercedes mess van - was this SV303 or SV304. Both have been refurbished recently, the one at the show carried no ID but had build of 110323

Comments/ommissions etc welcome, will update the list tomorrow.

I've added a few photos. If anyone has any more that aren't on the page, please upload and I'll approve when time allows. Thanks!

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

SV304 confirmed by visitors today.

Alex Betteney avatar

Alex Betteney

Geismar EGO-US (Battery powered) carried plate : C200101-280-0103 of 2010

Alex Betteney avatar

Alex Betteney

For those that collect Type-B trollies, two-part trolley 6665/01 was on display at the Permaquip stand.

Paul Moseley

Paul Moseley

This is a Permaquip Type-B trolley as opposed to a Type-B trailer so wouldnt carry an RIV

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

Regarding the "EGO-US", Roger has uploaded a photo of this trolley with a note saying "Sapphire trolley". It was previously thought to be the EGO US in a heavily modified/roof removed state; but upen further investigation, it seems to be the power vehicle of Geismar's SAPPHIRE self-propelled track geometry trolley. More photos of it with its recording structure can be found on Geismar's website.

I've added a record for it here.

Dennis Graham avatar

Dennis Graham

As a postscript on leaving carpark RRC Trailer 010986-6 was on a transporter in the queue waiting to head off to show ground.

McCulloch Flass01 was similarly on a trailer in lay-by outside waiting.

Brian Stanway

Brian Stanway

As i left around 1415, Contracked Lands - Land Rover reg BD03LVH was swinging in to the Airfield car park.

Cristoff avatar


Huge thanks to Vince and the other otp contributors for the sightings page and all the additional information on the exhibition. It's been really helpful.

Nice to see several of the regulars yesterday also.


Lee Taylor

Lee Taylor

Reference Vince's initial comments regarding the Geismar 'flat PPT thing'. I recorded its plate to read model CAD157 serial 124

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

Thanks Lee, that's the same one that was displayed previous shows.

John Dicks

John Dicks

6665/01 was one half of a two part trolley. The other half was 6624/03

John Dicks

John Dicks

The trolley with 124 on it also carried Code H77568