The dates for this years' Rail Live industry show at Long Marston have been announced - 19 & 20 June.
If you'd like to exhibit, please visit the website -
The dates for this years' Rail Live industry show at Long Marston have been announced - 19 & 20 June.
If you'd like to exhibit, please visit the website -
Here are a few special workings are heading to Long Marston for this weeks show ....
from Toton - big yellow NR Kirow crane perhaps?
from Derby RTC - class 950 Track Recording Unit. (Some people think this is just a "converted 150". It's really not, it was purpose-built in 1987)
from Leicester LIP - Class 47? Mooted as 47749.
Will update if any more pop up.
For those who can't visit, I will be posting some photos to twitter whilst I'm at the show (depending on phone reception!)...
For those who are visiting, I've made a page so you can easily log your sightings (it's a bit empty at the moment but will fill up with all vehicles being exhibited)...
The sightings page mentioned above is now almost completely populated with everything at the show.
A few not on the list:
2 McCulloch TRTs (for export?)
Bance trailer - I didn't note the details.
OOTD Unimog "M21VAC" - does anyone know the ID of this please?
If there is anything I've missed, please let me know!
The Bance trailer had no visible form of ID
Two two McCullochs TRTs without numbers are both USA bound.
Worth mentioning also that the QTS MegaChipper 2, despite its size, is off for road/rail conversion once the show is over.
M21VAC also updated.
Many thanks for such a quick analysis of the show exhibits. Most helpful
Ted Knotwell
Glad the page is of use :)
A few more vehicles have been added to the page since last night (how did I forget the Kirow crane?!), so everyone should re-visit the page to check they've added all their sightings :)