NYMR Old Blue Crane ID or info Help Please - Models - Forum

NYMR Old Blue Crane ID or info Help Please

Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

Have a couple of pictures, not of great quality, taken from the same passing train. One has ED 2 the other has 95214. In the background in both is, the same, a Rail Mounted Crane. It is light blue in Colour and has a well protected drivers cab. Have looked on OTP NYMR plant listing but could not find a match. Has this moved on or has it been scrapped or just not been listed.

Have no date noted or place for that matter so not much help there I'm afraid.

It doesn't look like a BR Type crane so could be either ex Industrial or Military.

Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what it might be out of curiosity.

Thanks in advance Jim

Cristoff avatar


From the CARS visit in Easter 2012, the following were at New bridge.

Crane: 81516 (DB969013), (ED1) - S&R 11453/29, (ED2) - Coles 16973/56, Coles 17405/58

The full report for the line is on the website... http://www.cardiffandavonside.org.uk/Trip_Reports/Trip%20Reports.htm

That may give some line of enquiry?


Bryan Blundell

Bryan Blundell

The BLUE Crane is actually now the C+W Crane in yellow.

