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Headcodes for track machines

Dan Adkins

Dan Adkins

On other forums, I keep a list of current booked headcodes for track machines up to date, but haven't posted it here, where it too may find use.

Hopefully this will copy OK, if not please feel free to copy it and reformat it as necessary, and/or move it to a section of the website where it can be kept and viewed.

3C02 - High Speed Line 1

3Z07 - normally the code DR98008 (Network Rail) uses, but occasionally uses other 3Zxx codes.

4Q01 - DR79301-4 (70 9427 038-41) - Network Rail

4Q02 - DR79401-4 (70 9427 042-45) - Network Rail

4Q03 - DR79501-7 (70 9427 046-52) - Network Rail (all ex 4Z01-3)

6Hxx - Swindon based OHLE MPVs

6J00 - DR73923 - Colas

6J01 - DR73930 - Colas

6J02 - DR73936 - Colas

6J03 - 999800 - Network Rail (stored)

6J04 - 999801 - Network Rail (stored)

6J06 - DR73917 - Balfour Beatty

6J07 - DR73938 - Balfour Beatty

6J08 - DR73939 - Balfour Beatty

6J09 - One or both of DR72211 and DR72213 - Balfour Beatty - 2024, now used for BBXX Class 20s.

6J13 - DR73906 - Colas

6J14 - DR77908 - SBRail

6J15 - DR75404 - Volker Rail

6J16 - DR75405 - Volker Rail

6J23 - DR73918 - Balfour Beatty

6J24 - DR73943 - Balfour Beatty

6J25 - DR73944 - Balfour Beatty

6J26 - DR73945 - Balfour Beatty

6J27 - DR73926 - Balfour Beatty

6J28 - DR73927 - Balfour Beatty

6J29 - DR73928 - Balfour Beatty

6J30 - DR73937 - Balfour Beatty

6J31 - DR75303 - Volker Rail

6J32 - DR75402 - Volker Rail

6J33 - DR75403 - Volker Rail - Severely fire damaged, not expected to return to traffic.

6J34 - DR77801 - Volker Rail

6J35 - DR77802 - Volker Rail

6J36 - DR75301 - Volker Rail

6J37 - DR75302 - Volker Rail

6J38 - DR75401 - Volker Rail

6J39 - DR73924 - Colas

6J40 - DR73929 - Colas

6J41 - DR73925 - Colas

6J42 - DR73935 - Colas

6J43 - DR73108 - Colas

6J44 - DR73905 - Colas

6J45 - DR73911 - Colas

6J46 - DR73922 - Colas

6J47 - DR73921 - Colas

6J48 - DR73922 - Colas

6J49 - DR75408 - Balfour Beatty

6J51 - DR73941 - SBRail

6J54 - DR73109 - SBRail

6J55 - DR73940 - SBRail

6J56 - DR75409 - Balfour Beatty

6J58 - DR75410 - Balfour Beatty

6J60 - DR74002 (99 70 9128 002-1) - SBRail

6J61 - DR75411 - Balfour Beatty

6J62 - DR73947 - Colas

6J63 - DR73948 - Colas

6J67 - DR73110 - SBRail

6J72 - DR73909 - Colas

6J73 - DR73942 - Colas

6J74 - DR73946 - Volker Rail

6J76 - 99 70 9128 001-3 - SBRail

6J80 - DR73912 - Colas

6J81 - DR73920 - Colas

6J83 - DR75406 - Colas

6J84 - DR75407 - Colas

6J85 - DR73919 - Colas

6J86 - DR73931 - Colas

6J87 - DR73910 - Colas

6J88 - DR77901 - Colas

6J89 - DR73907 - Colas

6J90 - DR73908 - Colas (used 6J60 in the past)

6J91 - DR73913 - Colas

6J94 - DR73805 - Colas

6J95 - DR73806 - Colas

6J98 - DR77001 - SBRail

6J99 - DR77002 - SBRail

6Q53 - DR73120 (99 70 9123 120-6) - Network Rail [originally ran as 6U53]

6Q54 - DR73121 (99 70 9123 121-4) - Network Rail [originally ran as 6U54]

6Q55 - DR73122 (99 70 9123 122-2) - Network Rail

6Q56 - DR77909 (99 70 9125 909-0) - Network Rail

6Q57 - DR77010 (99 70 9125 010-7) - Network Rail

6Q58 - DR75010 (99 70 9123 010-9) - Colas

6Q64 - DR75008 (99 70 9123 008-3) - Colas ex 6J75

6Q65 - DR75009 (99 70 9123 009-1) - Colas ex 6J77

6Q66 - DR75501 - Balfour Beatty

6Q68 - DR75502 - Balfour Beatty

6T40 - DR73803 - SBRail

6T41 - DR73804 - SBRail

6T42 - DR73904 - SBRail

6T43 - DR73914 - SBRail

6T44 - DR73915 - SBRail

6T45 - DR73916 - SBRail

6T46 - DR73932 - SBRail

6T47 - DR73933 - SBRail

6T48 - DR73934 - SBRail

Note: often a DR7311x will be working on moves with a DR7790x. Usually these take the code of the leading machine, but not in every case.

6U01 - DR79261 / DR79271 - Network Rail

6U02 - DR79262 / DR79272 - Network Rail

6U03 - DR79263 / DR79273 - Network Rail

6U04 - DR79264 / DR79274 - Network Rail

6U07 - DR79267 / DR79277 - Network Rail

6U11 - DR77905 - Network Rail

6U12 - DR73114 - Network Rail

6U13 - DR73115 - Network Rail

6U17 - DR73111 - Network Rail

6U19 - DR73113 - Network Rail

6U20 - DR80200 - Network Rail

6U21 - DR80201 - Network Rail

6U22 - DR80202 - Network Rail

6U23 - DR80203 - Network Rail

6U24 - DR80204 - Network Rail

6U25 - DR80205 - Network Rail

6U26 - DR80206 - Network Rail

6U27 - DR80207 - Network Rail

6U28 - DR80208 - Network Rail

6U29 - DR80209 - Network Rail

6U30 - DR80210 - Network Rail

6U31 - DR80211 - Network Rail

6U33 - DR80213 - Network Rail

6U34 - DR80214 - Network Rail

6U35 - DR80215 - Network Rail

6U36 - DR80216 - Network Rail

6U37 - DR80217 - Network Rail

6U40 - DR80301 - Network Rail

6U41 - DR80302 - Network Rail

6U42 - DR80303 - Network Rail

6U43 - DR73116 - Network Rail

6U44 - DR77906 - Network Rail

6U47 - DR77907 - Network Rail

6U48 - DR73117 - Network Rail

6U52 - DR73118 - Network Rail

6U82 - Robel set 2 - Network Rail

6U83 - Robel set 3 - Network Rail

6U84 - Robel set 4 - Network Rail

6U85 - Robel set 5 - Network Rail

6U86 - Robel set 6 - Network Rail

6U87 - Robel set 7 - Network Rail

6U88 - Robel set 8 - Network Rail

6X69 - 99 70 9427 063-1/DR79601 - Scheerbau - usually loco hauled, ex 6X02

6Y53 -EMPV (OHLE) - Colas

6Y54 -EMPV (OHLE) - usually higher-numbered examples - Colas

6Z01 - DR79231-7 - Network Rail

6Z02 - DR79241-7 - Network Rail

6Z03 - DR79251-7 - Network Rail

6Z05 -MPV moves

6Z07 -MPV Moves

6Z08 - Usually MPV DR98008 - runs as 3XXX most of the time - Network Rail (Colas operated)

6Z09 - DR79221-6

6Z13 -MPV moves

7J01 - DR98215 - Balfour Beatty

7J02 - DR98216 - Balfour Beatty

7J03 - DR98217 - Balfour Beatty

7J04 - DR98218 - Balfour Beatty

7J05 - DR98219 - Balfour Beatty

7J06 - DR98220 - Balfour Beatty

7Z02 - DR79201 - Network Rail (Loram operated)

7Z09 - DR77327 - Colas

Hope this is of use - corrections and additions very welcome.

Dan Adkins

Dan Adkins

Just noticed that Robel set 1 isn't listed for some reason. This is of course 6U81.

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

There's already a page on the site for headcodes


Haven't had a chance to cross-check it with your list yet though.

Dan Adkins

Dan Adkins

My apologies Vince, wasn't aware there was already a page on this site.

Jarrod Barker

Jarrod Barker

Very interesting. Without copying and pasting the link for the headcodes, where would I find this by just logging into the site? I can't find a link to it in any of the headings at the top of the web page.

One I can see missing off both lists after a very quick glance is 6Q69 75503

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

I must admit, I thought it was already in the menu under lists, but upon further examination, it wasn't. I remember mentioned the page in a comment a few months ago, so maybe many people missed it. Apologies.

Jarrod Barker

Jarrod Barker

Brilliant Thankyou Vince. Another great addition to the site.

Cristoff avatar


Saw 75010 today on it's second working. Its first was 6Q58 Westerleigh to Westbury, followed by 6Q59 Westbury to Westerleigh. Unusual for 2 Headcodes to be used by the same machine. Presumably just temporary whilst staff familiarisation takes place?



6U04 - DR79264 / DR79274 - Network Rail

This machine now includes DR79265 and is a 3-car consist, 30 stone S&C grinder.

Greg Hartle avatar

Greg Hartle

The Leagrave - Chaddesden Sidings move today on Realtime is down as 624l, but on here the headcode for 73940 is 6J55??

Why would this be, 624l is not even on the list....?

Ben Williams avatar

Ben Williams Editor

Yes the codes on RTT dont seem to tally for a reason not known to me!

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

RTT scrambles/obscures headcodes for most freight and plant moves :(

So, "624L" isn't a headcode and won't appear on the list here.

Greg Hartle avatar

Greg Hartle

Right, so this list of headcodes isn't any use for persons like myself who use RTT and don't have access to TOPS then... :(

Jarrod Barker

Jarrod Barker

You don't need access to TOPS, just use a site that hasn't got the headcodes scrambled. For instance freightlocate, you will need to pay £25 yearly membership. The headcode list on here are very useful.

Greg Hartle avatar

Greg Hartle

Thanks Jarrod, I didn't know any sites! But I do now, but it would be a hell of a lot simpler if RTT matched up with TOPS.... oh well, thanks for your help ;)

Jarrod Barker

Jarrod Barker

Hello Greg

most of the free to use sites have a scrambled headcode, although I believe some of the GBRF workings on the likes of RTT do have unscrambled headcodes. I use Freightlocate and I do find it extremely useful, although the people that run it keep a very very very low profile and don't really put out any comms. Even with Freightlocate some Very Short Term Plan VSTP workings do not show a headcode and some STP working will only show as 6XXX. All other train movements do have a headcode. As I am into collecting freight wagon numbers, I find it very useful and for me is the most user friendly of these types of sites, so the £25 yearly membership is for me well worth it.

Jarrod Barker

Jarrod Barker

75012 recent outing from Bletchley to Bletchley on the 11th of April ran as 6Q60

Richard P avatar

Richard P

Hi, What are the codes for 73949 + 73950 , Thank you

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

6Q03&04 apparently - Now added to the list.

Does anyone know if 79104/5 have been running as 6Q02?

Dan Adkins

Dan Adkins

No, weirdly they've also been running as 6Q01, which isn't especially helpful! I'm not 100% sure if they should/will be using 6Q02, or whether that's used by the similar set on Crossrail... I've certainly seen some 6Q02 paths a couple of months ago that started and finished at Crossrail locations.

Ben Williams avatar

Ben Williams Editor

Yes 79104/5 move from Lichfield to Brockenhurst today quoted as 6Q01...

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

Just to follow up on some points in this topic, websites like RealTimeTrains no longer "scramble" headcodes; so now you can search for / work out exactly which machine is running! Yay.

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

There's an odd 6Q00 running from March Whitemoor to Derby RTC today.

Thought I'd mention it just in case it is some sort of OTM move. Apologies if it isn't.


Dan Adkins

Dan Adkins

I would guess it's the weedkilling wagon set that normally runs as 3Q00.

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

You were right - looks like just the tanker modules


Richard P avatar

Richard P

Does anyone know what 75016 headcode is/will be

Thank you

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

Just wondering if anyone can elaborate on "6X81" please? I think it's the (ex-GWRM) HOPS MPVs, but is it always the same one, or does it shuffle up a lot?

Dan Adkins

Dan Adkins

It seems to mostly be the same composition when it has run, usually formed of at least DR76901, 921, 922 and 923. Sometimes it also has DR76920, and wagons 97308 and DR76919 included. A recent sighting on this site had DR76901, 906 and 923 together though. I'll see if I can check it out tomorrow when it comes my way...

Dan Adkins

Dan Adkins

Today's formation was DR76901, 97304, DR76921, DR76919, DR76920, DR76923 DR76906.

Cristoff avatar


On 12th July 2024, formation was 76901 97304 97310 76903 76923 76906 and ran as 6X82 Crewe IEMD to Crewe IEMD (I think, from memory, it was going as far as Nuneaton, but can't say 100%). So a slightly different formation and headcode.

Jude Pirkis

Jude Pirkis

Crossrail engineering train headcodes:

6Lxx - Linsinger Rail Miller, DR79101

6Rxx - Robel Rorunner, DR97509, 510, 511, 512.

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

Thanks Jude.

Looks like the Linsinger is still running as 6Q01-6Q04 in some upcoming schedules (this currently plays havoc with my "Scheduled Movements" page where those codes conflict with the NR Linsingers and DR73949/73950 - I need to try and fix this when time allows!)

Jude Pirkis

Jude Pirkis

Hiya, just saw the edits. 6Q01-04 is not the Linsinger. That is the Robel vehicles operating with the Infrastructure Monitoring Vehicle. 6L01 & 6L02 denotes Linsinger. It’s been out under those headcodes last week and this. Additionally, 6R03 and 04 are very rare headcodes and not used on the regular. Last time I saw them used was a couple of test runs on Christmas Day. For normal night engineering operations, they use 01 out and 02 back. Same with the Linsinger.

Jude Pirkis

Jude Pirkis

Video including 6Q01:


Post of 6L01: https://www.instagram.com/p/DE2iPy6tvOi/?igsh=MWI5dDV2eWx1cGhuZw==