I thought Land Recovery only had road-rail plant. There is a yellow with black lettering large tamper parked in the Hamilton Sidings adjacent to Dalzell plate Mill and the WCML. I viewed it on the night of 18th April from a passing train in the dark so no ID, the track it stands on is Network Rail infrastructure so have they branched out into larger machines for use on NR or is it there to carry out work on the line into the plate mill for Liberty Steel. It's no doubt secondhand but no obvious running number visible in the dark.
Land Recovery Ltd "new" track machine. - On-Track Machines - Forum
Land Recovery Ltd "new" track machine.
At least three former XYZ track machines have been confirmed with Land Recovery. From your description, I suspect it's DR73503 now known as Land Recovery LRR34.
Many thanks Nick, it was a fleeting observation in the dark at a location not normally used to park up OTP but it was very much the outline of the machine you've suggested (DR 73503).