Greg Hartle
Posted: 9 July 2018, 16:40
Hi all, I'm just wondering if the stores site is open of a weekend.I know most plant depots aren't, but I'm only really enquiring as the DRS Open Day is coming up soon and it's of course just over the road from it.I would only want to pay a visit if I had it pre-arranged of course, but with it being Network Rail, and myself still new to this game, I have no contacts so no idea if this would be viable on this day or not..
Greg Hartle
Posted: 13 July 2018, 21:37
No one can help here at all? It's just that I've seen pictures of vehicles there, inside and outside on this site so I thought someone may know of a contact with regards to a visit..
Ben Williams Editor
Posted: 16 July 2018, 10:41
Hi Greg
You will understand that people on here may well have contact names for this depot and other locations but might be reluctant to give them out to people that they do not know. If the details get passed around and the person is then inundated with requests to visit then it becomes a problem.
Having said that you may get lucky and find someone that is willing to show you in if you have correct PPE. Perhaps more likely on a weekday - but you never know.
Hope this helps.
Greg Hartle
Posted: 16 July 2018, 15:32
I fully understand Ben, many thanks for getting back to me cheers
Ben Williams Editor
Posted: 16 July 2018, 19:00
No problem. When I was last there it had changed a lot from my previous visit. The area where I had previously viewed a Mini 4-4 from the car park was a building site - I think the old shed had been demolished.