Not sure if this is exactly the right topic to put this in, but here are some additional notes from yesterday sightings, which I have just added to the website. Can I extend my thanks to Ben for his continued updates, and others for sharing their sitings.
All left (l/h) / right (r/h) as per travelling to London.
Kingsland Rd
3 identified, 1 Colas machine UID
St Annes l/h
Ready power Accessrailer
Bath Refuse Transfer Station r/h
TXM Colmar
Thingley Jcn l/h
2 excavators and 2 trailers (TXM?)
Swindon Cocklebury l/h
2 lorries, think they are the MAN TGM with MEWP modules
Swindon HOOB r/h
19 vehicles visible, 9 identified, 1 assumed (76918)
Didcot West Car Park l/h
2 trailers
Pangbourne l/h
7 platforms, 1 colmar
Reading NR MDU l/h
One Iveco?
Just after, still l/h side
2 x 2w trailers
2 x 4w trailers
There was so much else UID line side I couldn't scribble it all down (I must have seen over 10 Holyrail platforms, but none identified), but a few other notes.
Plasser West Ealing l/h
The yellow shunter was next to the Southall - Greenford part of the triangle with at least a couple of impressively sized wagons.
Westbourne Park l/h
I saw a Webb lorry, probably RL008 where the rocket used to be.
There was a Readypower lift right next to Quattro 426 & 428, but couldn't get it.
A couple of other London bits to finish;
Waterloo International
A couple of Quattro machines seen, but not identified.
A readypower machine (FR6xx) and a colmar were working along with at least 1 trailer.
Prince Regent
I've assumed the MAN Flashbutt welder as it appears to be the only one of its type.