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Projects Nearing or Compled within Scottish Region - Projects, Worksites and Locations - Forum

Projects Nearing or Compled within Scottish Region

Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

EGIP (Edinburgh -Glasgow Electrification)

Electrification Completed. New 385's now beginning to arrive on a regularly basis so hope service on time for a regular basis. ONLY 2 Years Late

SDA (Stirling-Dunblane-Alloa)

Wires in and should be ready for December

Hopefully enough units available

Hollytown-West Calder Electrification

Wires in and should be ready for December

Hopefully enough units available

Rutherglen Area Track & Signalling Upgrade

Now Complete

So leaves no projects in the Glasgow area only general/planned engineering works

Main Job is now Inverness-Aberdeen, Big Job But A Bit Far Away

Dunblane-Stirling Electrification. Start date Unknown Again a fair bit away on a regular basis

Nearer to home Glasgow-East Kilbride Electrification to be done BUT NO start date

So a lot of OTP Opportunities Gone but maybe a few more to come

Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

As part of that 12 Torrent TS MEWP's were assembled at Shettleston having been taken of hire. On Friday

Although £100 plus Million has been put into the budget for electrification works

So maybe back on stream sou

Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

From 16th Nov. Should read Dunblane - Perth

From message 24th Nov should read. Electrification works in Scotland

& the sou should be soon

Now 14 Torrent MEWP's on site today with at least 2 more to come

Light fading & temperature dropping so didn't hang around

Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

Last week, Tue 27-Friday 30 Nov 2018 saw trials with various EMU Classes on the SDA .

All of which seemed successful, so it is hopped that Electric Services Will Commence 9th Dec

On the Tue 27th a 380 unit, from Glasgow, with a testing & recording Pantograph & travelled all the routes and must have been deemed as passed for USE as the following 2 nights there were another 2 test runs.

Wed. & Thus. runs were run from Edinburgh. These both consisted of a combined , new 385, 3 & 4 car units.

Friday saw some Day Time Testing with, Happy Faced 365 Units, fitted into the normal time table, so line proving must have gone well.

Subsequently many Torrent TS MEWP'S have come of hire.

Also the Shotts Line Electrification is nearing completion. Again many Torrent TS MEWP's have come of hire.

So no Monday 03/12/2018 saw 18 Torrent TS MEWP's assembled at Shettleston NR Yard

I am told that another 2 are on a day to day spot hire and still to come in & that T142128 has been damaged in a RTA & is subjectively being repaired

This would have brought the Torrent MEWP's a Shettleston to 21 out of a fleet of 36

I was told that 10 of these will be going South of the Border, which ones have yet not been decided. As to where I have heard that there is a job in the Watford and another area .

The 18 Assembled Torrent TS Units at Shettleston on Monday 03/12/2018 were as follows':-

T141400 / 401 / 402 / 404 / 405 /407

T144557 / 558 / 560 / 561 / 563

T142118 / 119 / 120 / 121 / 123 / 124 / 129

T142128 *** Being in Airdrie Under Repair

Happy hunting when the 10 come South

Peter Hall

Peter Hall

Has the East Kilbride electrification actually been given approval?

My understanding was no further Scottish electrifications beyond those recently completed were to take place in the immediate future.

Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

No definite date

More a Wish List on my part as it would be my local project. I can see the line 300mtrs from my house.

If the wires were to go up to Barrhead, a distance of 6 miles from Muirhouse Junction, then the branch to East Kilbride would a further 7.6 miles giving 13.6 miles.

This would complete all the lines on the South Side of Glasgow being Electrified.

In the north all that remains to be wired would be from Cowlairs West Junction to Westerton , 6 miles, and the short branch of this to Anniesland

These would complete the electrification of the Glasgow Suburban routes.

Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

About 4 weeks ago 2 x Freightliner 86's did a "Line Proving Run under the Wires" on the line between Holytown & Midcalder Junction.

Nothing confirmed officially but assumed all OK

Have checked out Cleland, Shotts, Breich & Westhandaxwood AP's since then.

No OTP To be seen.

AP's being cleared of Cabins etc..

Looks like another project up here successfully completed.


Less for me to see

Its an ever diminishing exercise up here.

Will have to resort to depot visits & weekend engineering sites but hopefully some of the suppliers will get some new "kit" in to keep the interest up.

With the advent of Readypower moving into Blantyre, with 6 Brand new machines, and hopefully them expanding, prospect of some more new stuff.

CP6 want be long in coming along so maybe some more New Kit but all being kept under wraps

Happy Hunting anyway Folks

Bryan Blundell

Bryan Blundell

You might need to look a bit further North and East for where the machines are to be found this summer.


Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

Thanks Bryan

(Appreciated but know of the project, which is pretty big.

But the thought an 2.5 hr drive to Aberdeen then 100 MLS to Inverness looking for work sites .

Which could take maybe up to 3hrs along the way.

Then a 2.5 hr drive back from Inverness to Glasgow.

2 Things wouldn't go down well with the Wife

1 The fuel bill coming off the account

2 me sleeping for 2 days afterwards

Thanks again for the though but will keep to my Weegie . Glasgow area , for spotting, for those not in the Know, where bye I can get home for a beautiful home cooked meal on the same day

Nice though though


Jim Gillies

Jim Gillies

Grangemouth Junction-Beyond Faulbus junction had Been wired

A DRS 88 was successfully used for line testing on the Branch