Readypower. Ripley Depot. - Projects, Worksites and Locations - Forum

Readypower. Ripley Depot.

Dave Hudson

Dave Hudson

Information supplied by staff at Readypower that the depot at Ripley as been closed for about 18 months.

Alex Betteney avatar

Alex Betteney

The Readypower Depot at Swanwick Junction is also referred to as Ripley by some!

Dave Hudson

Dave Hudson

Hi Alex, The Readypower machines at Swanwick Junction are there for training purpose only. Was there last week to see the new machine FR698 910063-5 that was at the Long Marston show , Have called at the Ripley Depot many times in the past as I live in Derby.

Dave Hudson

Dave Hudson

Also 3 Aspin machines there as well. 940042-3, 940812-9, 940780-8.

Greg Hartle avatar

Greg Hartle

Is the Readypower depot at Whiteley Rd, Ripley closed now? If so, are vehicles now normally found at MRC Swanwick Jcn, as I saw a few there last time i visited..



Dave Hudson

Dave Hudson

Hi, Greg. Ripley Depot as been close for some time now, having been to all the Readypower Depots in the past, the new Depot is Gotham Road, Kingston-On-Soar, Notts NG11-ODF, is by far the biggest and the best. Was there on the 14-11-17 and all the plant that was at M.R.C. as now been moved back to the new depot.

Greg Hartle avatar

Greg Hartle

Thanks for that gen Dave! I'll be sure to arrange a visit there next year, I live in Derby so it's not too far away! Once again, cheers

