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Rugby NR Depot - Projects, Worksites and Locations - Forum

Rugby NR Depot

Greg Hartle avatar

Greg Hartle

Hi all, thinking of taking a walk from Rugby station soon but by the looks of it from viewing Google Earth, it seems difficult to get to, or a very long circuitous trek..

Is this the case? Many thanks..


Michael Winter

Michael Winter

i used to go to the main carpark, take lift and from the top y ou could see some of the items, but that was a few years ago. hope this helps. mick of svg...

ontrackplant avatar

ontrackplant Website editor

In the past, machines used to stable under the pin on the map here, only viewable from Hunters Lane, off the A426 - a very long walk from the station.

That being said, I'm not sure how up-to-date the profile page is. Do machines live nearer the station nowadays? Not sure. If so, some bits may be visible from the footbridge in the middle?

Maybe someone who has visited recently can update...

Ben Williams avatar

Ben Williams Editor

There's a general view from the long footbridge - named The Black Path on Google! Main entrance is off Hunters Lane and yes some stuff used to be visible here but I've not been for a few months.

Alex Betteney avatar

Alex Betteney

On recent visits to Rugby I view from a few places (except the multi-storey car park). I'd assume that 'non-Colas' machines still stable in the sidings by the station. Viewing points I use are Hunters Lane (upto NR Access Gate), the Black Path (this views over Hunters Lane and NR Depot, but the Geismar mini 4-4's are difficult to ID), Myson House Access Point off Railway Terrace, and Arches Lane for a partial view of the Colas Depot

Greg Hartle avatar

Greg Hartle

Thanks very much everyone some great and extremely helpful info there! Much appreciated..