ontrackplant Website editor
Posted: 21 December 2010, 12:00
This is the new forum on the website.
Please use it to discuss all aspects of on-track plant and road-railers.
You need to be a registered user on this website to view all discussion topics and to post new topics/replies.
If you have any problems then please get in touch.
Thanks, Vince
ontrackplant Website editor
Posted: 21 December 2010, 18:15
As an aside, the name you used when you registered will be displayed with your forum posts. In the future, I will add the ability to save a "display name" with your profile in case you wish to remain anonymous.
If you would like your name changing before this feature is installed, please get in touch - VINCE at ONTRACKPLANT dot COM. Thanks!
Dennis Graham
Posted: 22 December 2010, 21:44
Congrats Vince for another upgrade.
The hand of Vince continues to improve the site. I like the formula.
Cheers Dennisg
John Brown
Posted: 23 December 2010, 15:11
nice one vince the site go's from strenth to strenth
Dave Shell
Posted: 23 December 2010, 20:57
Seems like a good idea to me
Dennis Graham
Posted: 7 January 2011, 20:15
Could not help but notice that of the subscribers apart from the esteemed website owner no one joined before 1/4/2009.
What happened in between!
Got nothing else to do as the snow conditions are not too good.
Even the snowplough has disappeared from Aosta.
Cheers Dennisg
ontrackplant Website editor
Posted: 7 January 2011, 21:11
April 2009 is when I started making the login features available to all. Some testers may have had access before then but I didn't think to record dates then...