Glossary of Terms
There are lots of abbreviations used on the site for various types of machine...
BDT - Ballast Distribution Train
BRIS - British Rail Infrastructure Services - responsible for railway engineering prior to privatisation. Was split into
CEPS - Civil Engineers Plant System - a numbering system introduced in the mid-1970s for on-track plant
HOBC - High Output Ballast Cleaner
HOOB - High Output Operations Base - depot(s) for maintenance of High Output trains
HOPS - High Output Plant System
HOTRT - High Output Track Renewal Train
IMC - Infrastructure Maintenance Company - split from British Rail Infrastructure Services during privatisation.
LWRT - Long Welded Rail Train
MEWP - Mobile Elevated Work Platform
MPV - Multi Purpose Vehicle
NTC - New Track Construction (Machine)
OHL - OverHead Line
OTM - On-Track Machine
OTP - On-Track Plant
OTPD - On-Track Plant Depot
RIDC - Rail Innovation & Development Centre - Network Rail's "test track" in Nottinghamshire
RMMM - Rail-Mounted Maintenance Machine
RRDT - Rail Recovery/Delivery Train
RRV - Road Rail Vehicle
SDT - Sleeper Distribution Train
SLSHT - Single Line Spoil Handling Train
TASC - Track and Service Car
TRAMM - Track Repair and Maintenance Machine
TRC - Track Renewal Company - split from British Rail Infrastructure Services during privatisation and responsible for track renewals.
TRU - Track Renewal Unit - split from British Rail Infrastructure Services during privatisation and responsible for track renewals.