The OTP/DPT Hunt 2006
5th September 2006 - thanks to Vince & Ben for this article
The first great OTP/Departmentals hunt took place over the May Day bank holiday weekend of 2003. It was a huge success, with over 200 OTP machines being noted across the country. Similar amounts of departmental coaches/internal users were noted.
The websites have grown a lot over the last three years, so we thought that it was about time for another one.
The OTP/DPT Hunt 2006It's simple. All you have to do is see as many (or few) on-track plant machines, departmental coaches and internal users as possible. Maybe road-railers too, but these are difficult to record, so aren't important essential...
Not everyone has an interest in these vehicles, but it's only for one weekend. We're not trying to convert people into die-hard fans (although if anyone develops a new interest in them then that's always a bonus!)
When is it?Put this date in your diary - 9th and 10th of September, 2006
Help promote it...If you have a website or mailing list (or magazine!), we would greatly appreciate it if you could help promote this event.
The link to this page is - please mention it on your group/website etc. And if you have a website you can use the banner above :)
Any questions?Please leave a message below...
No computer?If any of your friends would like to take part, but don't have access to a computer, there is also a phone 'txt' number now...
Please remember to include a name, location and of course sightings... Thanks!
Useful Links
All comments are the opinions of their respective authors, and do not reflect the opinions of If you find an offensive comment and want it removed then please contact us with details.
John Scotford
Posted: 15 June 2006, 12:30
Please consider changing the comment 'Maybe road-railers too, but these are difficult, so aren't important. ' to end 'so reports aren't essential'. I'm sure some very important Road Railers will take offence at this.
Yours in jest, with a hint of seriousness.
Road Railer reporter when I can find the 'bloody' numbers..
Vince /// Website editor
Posted: 15 June 2006, 13:21
Good point John. Now changed... :)
Ben Williams Editor
Posted: 18 June 2006, 23:32
At this point I might add that this doesnt have to involve treks of epic proportions across great swathes of the UK (!) it might just involve going to your local station(s) or yard and logging what is there. If everyone did just their local area we would get quite a wide selection of sightings. Alternatively it might just be a local preserved railway.
Nearer the time we will use the Yahoogroups to perhaps organise things a little better whereby people can mention where they plan to be so we're not duplicating sightings and others can organise their trips accordingly to visit "uncovered" areas...
Thanks for your support!
Vince /// Website editor
Posted: 5 September 2006, 12:41
A few days until the big weekend!... Please tell everyone you know about it, and if you have a yahoogroup please mention it there :)