Road-Railer Roundup - July 2024

1st August 2024

Road-Railer Roundup - July 2024

Here is a very short round-up of road-railer news during July 2024.

New ZZ709 Numbering

Visitors to the recent Rail Live show may recall a machine was carrying the number "ZZ709 950033-9" instead of the usual "99709" number and were perhaps wondering if it was just a fake/placeholder/demo sticker.

Apparently "ZZ" is the new "99" EVN prefix for special vehicles and has been included as such in the RIS-1530-PLT Issue 7 standard since September 2023. It is surprising that this hasn't been noticed until now, or indeed applied to any other new/refurbished machines.

Two machines and two trailers/attachments have now been reported carrying the new prefix. We have put together a page which lists machines carrying these new numbers - click here.

If anyone sees a machine or trailer carrying a new ZZ number then please let us know so we can update our records - either leave a comment on the vehicle record or send us an email. Thanks!

  • Thumbnail arbor-division-zz709950033-863ef5

Story acquires some Lundy Projects machines

With the recent demise of Lundy Projects, it looks like their fleet of Colmars have been acquired by Story Plant.

It is not yet confirmed if Lundy's fleet of MEWPs and trailers have also been acquired by Story or someone else.

Road-Railers - Deliveries

Aquarius - R2R Ford Ranger

ZZ709 976160-0 - Network Rail (Southern)

  • Thumbnail aquarius-99709976160-yj72ura-1

Geismar - Kawasaki Mule Runner Wizard

99709 975167-6 - Explore Plant and Transport Solutions RRP003

99709 975170-0 - Explore Plant and Transport Solutions RRP002

99709 975174-2 - Explore Plant and Transport Solutions RRP004



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